“Where can I register my AED so that it is available for everyone? (NL)/(UK)/(FR)”

NL: You can register the AED via Hartslagnu.nl. However, you can do this at support@Defib Service Plus
and we will be happy to register your AED. All we need from you are the times that your AED is available. Consider the opening hours of your store or perhaps your AED is available 24/7 in the neighborhood. Going off
of these times, hartnu.nl will make your AED available when it is available.
UK: Visit the British Heart Foundation bhf.org.uk to register your AED.
FR: Do you have a publicly accessible AED in France? We will then register your AED. I you don’t have a publicly accessible AED then you can register it yourself via: https://stayingalive.org/ It is important to indicate the times and days that your AED is available.
Be careful when you hang the AED in a home or homeowners’ association where you only have access with a key. In this case it is not possible to register the AED.”