We substantiated this by comparing all information from all defib manuals. The most important points that a good defib must meet are ease of use, reliability, and speed. Philips defibs are the most user-friendly of all defibs because the device adapts to the pace of the rescuer. The reliability is very high because Philips (and one other brand, Cardiac Science) are the only brands in the world that check all components of the defib during daily self-tests. With a time-to-shock of 8 seconds, Philips defibs are also the fastest among defibs, along with 2 other models (Physio Control CR2 and the defib3 from Zoll). Philips defibs are by far the best-selling defibs in the world, and for good reason!
The only all inclusive defib service provider in the UK
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Our mission is to provide lowest cost of ownership and hassle-free, all-inclusive on-site defibrillator maintenance.